Lemas 3 Roll Bending Machines

3 Roll Bending Machine Sizes available from Lemas:
  • 503E – 1.5m x 3mm
  • 506E – 1.5m x 6mm
  • 508E – 1.5m x 8mm
  • 607E – 2.0 x 7mm
  • 808E – 2.5m x 8mm

Ideal for the job shop fabricator, Lemas’ hydraulic 3-Roll bending machine is perfect for all your plate bending jobs.

The design of this plate roller ensures superior prebending capabilities; the leading and trailing edge are easy to prebend without removing

The two lower rolls are hydraulically powered and adjusted individually, and all 3 rolls rotate with adjustable rolling speeds, ensuring ease of use and control over the rolling process.

The standard rolls are made of S45C carbon steel and heat treated to 50Rc.

The drive system is using a high-quality hydraulic motor with a gearbox and chain which drives all three rolls, allowing all rollers to provide 100% driving torque at all times. This drive system is the most effective system for drive torque and easy to maintain.

The Lemas 3 roll bending machine is best for cone bending and thick cylinder jobs.

How can the Lemas 3 Roll Bending Machine help your business?

Contact us to discuss your business’s needs and to learn how the Lemas 3 Roll can revolutionise your workplace. Call us on (02) 8445 8555 or email info@powermachinery.com.au.

Unique Features:

• Full hydraulic drive and control system.

• Both bottom rolls are individually and hydraulically tiltable for cone rolling by using push buttons

• Paralleling adjustment after cone rolling by using push button

• Cone rolling attachment

• PLC electric system

• Hydraulically powered and operated roll rotation providing infinitely variable rolling speeds

• Hydraulically powered and operated adjustment of the lower rolls with infinitely variable adjusting speeds

• All rolls heat treated to 50 Rc.

• All adjustments are electronically controlled from the portable console by push buttons

• Key-lock switch for On/Off for the power supply

• Emergency stop button at the middle of the panel and the machine

• Hydraulic drop end is designed with locking device for more safety

• Digital readouts for showing the positions of the two adjustable bottom rolls

• Instruction and parts manual and tool box

About Lemas

Power Machinery are Lemas’ Australian distributor. They specialise in sheet metal fabricating equipment including hydraulic plate bending rolls and section bending rolls. 

With over 60 years experience, and in excess if 1,200 machines delivered worldwide, they have the experience and foundation to provide innovative, reliable and quality plate roll machinesÂ